Adelaide Launch of “Behind the Streets of Adelaide”

May 23rd 2016 was especially chosen to launch the publication of a three volume boxed set of books on the people behind the Streets of Adelaide.

It was the 179th birthday of the naming of Adelaide’s streets and squares which had taken place on one afternoon in what could only be described as virgin bushland somewhere in the vicinity of the current SAMHRI building between North Terrace and the Torrens River. A committee of twelve drawn from several significant colonists and those appointed to the new colony collectively decided who was named in perpetuity.

Those associated with the this publication were treated to the very generous hospitality of the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese who showed enthusiastic and encouraging support from the outset.

On the evening more than 160 guests were in attendance and they were greeted individually on arrival by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Megan Hender, the author Dr Jeff Nicholas
and Councillor Sandy Wilkinson. It was a truly convivial evening and many went away satisfied with a signed set of books under their arms.

Torrens Press wishes to express its deepest appreciation for the support from the Town Hall and to Irvine Wines for providing some classic South Australian wines.

Opening speech from The Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese

Download the presentation from the Adelaide Book Launch

Behind the Streets of Adelaide Presentation (PDF 2.3Mb)